
  • Reviewing audio and using photos on browse-next

    Audio recordings can now be reviewed on the new version of the Cacophony Portal. The location photo feature has been fixed and now works on this new version, with an transparency slider that lets you see the photo and the thermal video at the same time. This makes it easier to interpret the thermal videos.

  • Enhanced bird monitor functionality

    • You can now remotely set the bird monitor functionality (if your camera has an internet connection)
    • Audio recordings made on devices that don't have a connection can now be downloaded to Sidekick and uploaded to the Cacophony servers.
    • The release includes the ability to run the AI on the camera to control a trap or interface with an alternative communications provider. This is not fully functional yet.
  • Audio bird monitoring available on DOC AI Cam

    A new software update for the DOC AI Cam allows enables the audio bird monitor.
  • Updated bird monitor app fixes upload problem

    Our old bird monitors have recently stopped uploading recordings. These bird monitors typically use old Android phones which stopped recognising th...
  • Bird monitor identifying hotspots for morepork and feral chickens

    Norfolk Island are using The Cacophony Project Bird Monitors to create hotspots of various birds, including Morepork and Feral Chickens. These inform and direct their conservation efforts and will enable them to measure progress over the years.
  • View your tagging stats

    You can now see tagging stats - what has been tagged, who did it and where.
  • Add notes to bird recordings

    You can now add notes to bird recordings and flag the recording as requiring review, or cool. Stations with no recordings can now be deleted.
  • Human voices automatically deleted from Bird Monitor

    We now have the ability to automatically remove recordings that contain human voices. Also, you can now pin as many tags as you want.
  • 18 new birds and other sounds now recognised by the bird monitor

    The Cacophony Bird Monitor can now recognise human, kiwi, morepork, whistler, generic bird calls, bellbird, black noddy, blackbird,  crimson rosella, fantail, frog, grey warbler, house sparrow, insect, noise, norfolk gerygone, norfolk robin, rifleman, rooster, silvereye, sooty tern, sparrow, white tern. More improvements are on their way.
  • Recognising Kiwi and Whistlers

    A new software release means our bird monitor will now recognise kiwi, whistler and humans. We also have a new Cacophony Index.
  • Bird monitors now identify birds

    Our bird recognition algorithm now identifies generic bird song. This should help you when you're tagging birds and will help us make a better Cacophony Index.
  • Fieldays with Predator Free 2050

    A summary of the companies exhibiting on the PF2050 stand at Fieldays 2022: NZ Autotraps, Envico, Trap.NZ, Encounter Solutions, eTrapper, Boffa Miskell, and of course The Cacophony Project.