
  • Add notes to bird recordings

    You can now add notes to bird recordings and flag the recording as requiring review, or cool. Stations with no recordings can now be deleted.
  • Disable trap when cage closed

    A new cage switch disables the high interaction rate trap when the cage is closed.
  • Cacophony Project Trap success with cats on Caymans

    The Cayman Islands have seen that The Cacophony Project high interaction rate traps are 10x more effective at catching cats than cage traps.
  • Filtering and more on bird recordings

    Changes to the bird tagging interface include: audio band filtering to hear only the frequencies you're interested in (very useful), filters to remove automatic tags you are not interested in, fixes to the spectrogram, and allowing the resizing of tags.
  • Human voices automatically deleted from Bird Monitor

    We now have the ability to automatically remove recordings that contain human voices. Also, you can now pin as many tags as you want.
  • 18 new birds and other sounds now recognised by the bird monitor

    The Cacophony Bird Monitor can now recognise human, kiwi, morepork, whistler, generic bird calls, bellbird, black noddy, blackbird,  crimson rosella, fantail, frog, grey warbler, house sparrow, insect, noise, norfolk gerygone, norfolk robin, rifleman, rooster, silvereye, sooty tern, sparrow, white tern. More improvements are on their way.
  • Prompt for photo and name of a location

    Update: 27 July 2023. This has now been released to the Apple app store for those of us with iOS devices. It should be available over the next 24 h...
  • Improved connection mechanism for Sidekick on Android

    Update: This was released to all customers on 29 May 2023 After releasing the new version of Sidekick for Android we found a number of customers w...
  • Updated Android Sidekick App

    The new version of Sidekick for Android prompts you to update the location of the camera if it has changed and provides quick links to recently uploaded videos.
  • Rewild Wainui using thermal camera and bird monitor

    Rewild Wainui is a community project on the west side of Akaroa Harbour on Banks Peninsula. They are working to restore their whenua, by removing ...
  • iOS Sidekick fully functional with new feature

    In the next day or two we will release a new version of the thermal camera companion app Sidekick for iOS. This is now feature compatible with the ...
  • Recognising Kiwi and Whistlers

    A new software release means our bird monitor will now recognise kiwi, whistler and humans. We also have a new Cacophony Index.