
  • 18 new birds and other sounds now recognised by the bird monitor

    The Cacophony Bird Monitor can now recognise human, kiwi, morepork, whistler, generic bird calls, bellbird, black noddy, blackbird,  crimson rosella, fantail, frog, grey warbler, house sparrow, insect, noise, norfolk gerygone, norfolk robin, rifleman, rooster, silvereye, sooty tern, sparrow, white tern. More improvements are on their way.
  • Updated Android Sidekick App

    The new version of Sidekick for Android prompts you to update the location of the camera if it has changed and provides quick links to recently uploaded videos.
  • Recognising Kiwi and Whistlers

    A new software release means our bird monitor will now recognise kiwi, whistler and humans. We also have a new Cacophony Index.
  • A new way of connecting to our cameras

    We have introduced a new way to connect to your thermal camera. The camera now sets up a Wi-Fi hotspot called bushnet that you connect to. You can then use your Sidekick app in the same way.
  • Test recordings and cows

    You can now make a test recording when you're setting up the camera. The camera will also make short recordings at the start and end of the recording window. We have also added a cow tag.
  • iOS Sidekick app now on the app store

    The thermal camera companion app, Sidekick is now available for iOS on the App store. It doesn't have full functionality yet, but you can use it to set up the camera and update its location.
  • Bird monitors now identify birds

    Our bird recognition algorithm now identifies generic bird song. This should help you when you're tagging birds and will help us make a better Cacophony Index.
  • Bulk delete

    You can now delete recordings in bulk. Up to now you could only delete recordings individually. This was painful if you wanted to delete lots of recordings. Now it is easy.
  • Create email alerts - near real time.

    You can now create your own email alerts when specific animals are detected. Up until now you had to ask us to set this up for you. A new interface...
  • Hierarchical tags - you can now tag stoats, rats, etc!

    You can now tag at a finer level of granularity. For example, rather than tagging a track as a mustelid you have the option of tagging it as a stoat, weasel or ferret
  • Change your display name on Cacophony browse

    You can now change your display name and are required to use your email address to log onto Cacophony Portal and Sidekick. When adding to users to a group you must now use their email address.
  • Bird monitor recordings now variable length

    You can now change the length of your bird monitor recordings.