Birds identified by the Cacophony Bird monitor

This is a list of the birds that are identified by the Cacophony Bird Monitor. Note: This is regardless of how the recordings are made. They may have been recorded using the Android phone app (the first version of the bird monitor), or using the bird monitoring functionality on the DOC AI Cam.

  • bellbird
  • bittern
  • black noddy
  • blackbird
  • crimson rosella
  • dotterel
  • fantail
  • frog
  • generic bird calls
  • grey warbler
  • human
  • insect
  • kiwi
  • noise: this is a generic sound that isn't a bird or some other sound that we're trying to recognise.
  • norfolk gerygone
  • norfolk robin
  • rifleman
  • rooster
  • ruru/morepork
  • silvereye
  • sooty tern
  • sparrow
  • whistler
  • white tern

We hope to automatically identify other birds at some stage in the future. Please let us know if there are any in particular that you would like us to recognise. Although we can't identify these other birds now, it is still useful to make the recordings so they can be analysed retrospectively after we have the ability to automatically identify more birds.