Updated Bird Monitor and Sidekick apps.

Two Android apps developed by the Cacophony Project have recently been updated: the Bird Monitor and Sidekick apps.

Bird Monitor

At the heart of the Bird Monitor is an Android phone app. This app was updated recently. Apart from some bug fixes, the main change was to increase the quality of the recordings. This was done by increasing the sampling rate, which means higher frequencies are captured. We found it had minimal impact on the required storage.

The version of the app is 1.8.1. If you purchased your Bird Monitor from us recently then the app should have already updated automatically. It should also update if you installed it from the Google Play store.

You can find the bird monitor app on the play store here.

You can install the bird monitor app directly by downloading it from here


This app is used to configure the thermal camera and gather recordings when the camera is offline. The updates to this app include a more intuitive user interface and improved capability for connecting to the thermal cameras.

The new version of the app is 2.0.0. Check that you have this by visiting the Sidekick page on the Google Play store.

 Thanks to the team at the Cacophony Project for their ongoing work on these.

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